Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Getting file/folder list in Windows and Linux

Getting file/folder list in Windows and Linux without using libraries is a tricky business. In Windows Visual Studio, there is also a character set setting (Project properties - Advanced - Character Set) which has to be taken into account.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Vectors for Software Engineers

Vectors are common in simulations but software engineers can forget the basics of vector operations. Here is a quick refresher:

In equation (1), we have a velocity vector of point m with respect to point c, expressed as a sum of two vectors.

In equation (2), we have the same equation but in scalar form. The "(n)" represents the reference frame in which the components of the vectors are expressed. In order to perform addition, all vector components must be expressed in the same reference frame.

If you want more detail, check out my advanced dynamics lecture notes (PDF).