Hardware in the Loop Aerospace Simulation Development
C++ and MATLAB Simulink tips for HWIL simulation software engineers
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Handling long operations in observer chains
Thursday, October 24, 2024
chatGPT 4o vs o1-preview
I normally use chatGPT 4o because it is much faster than o1-preview. Today I asked 4o the following:
Write a function that performs the following 2 byte hex to 2 byte signed int transformations:
0x801D --> -29
0x811D --> -285
0x821D --> -541
0xFF1D --> -32541
0x001D --> 29
0xAA1D --> -10781
0x101D --> 4125
It wrote a function that resulted in the following, mostly wrong, output:
I fed this output back, and it apologized and rewrote something slightly different, but the output was still wrong. I repeated the steps, and I got responses like 'I see the issue more clearly now' and 'Thank you for your patience,' but the output remained incorrect. When I fed the same prompt to o1-preview, it solved the problem in a single iteration. Here is the final python function (sign-magnitude representation):
def hex_to_signed_int(N): isNegative = N & 0x8000 # equivalent to "N >= 0x8000" # 0x8000=1000 0000 0000 0000 if isNegative: magnitude = N & 0x7FFF # 0x7FFF=0111 1111 1111 1111 return -magnitude else: return N test_values = [0x801D, 0x811D, 0x821D, 0xFF1D, 0x001D, 0xAA1D, 0x101D] for val in test_values: print(f"0x{val:04X} --> {val:05} --> {hex_to_signed_int(val)}")
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Using code from Simulink model in HIL
- Checkout/pull Simulink model from repository to your local.
- Run Simulink model and confirm it finishes as expected. If not, inform the model maintainer and ask them to commit/push the model with correct settings to repo.
- Confirm that C/C++ code can be generated from model. Sometimes an s-function build file (mexw64) exists but its source code is missing, which allows the model to run but prevents code generation.
- Copy code to Visual Studio and verify that you can build and run it. There are cases where Simulink is more forgiving of errors like uninitialized variables, or missing #include <cmath> but Visual Studio cannot build the code.
- Copy code to real time Linux PC and verify code can be build there too.
- Commit code to its own repo.
- Run HIL with new code and verify HIL works as expected.
Monday, September 9, 2024
Why is file hash comparison faster than byte-wise comparison
- Hash comparison = reading file + 1 comparison.
- Byte-wise comparison = reading file + N comparisons.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
LONG_MAX is different for Windows 64 and Linux 64
Friday, July 12, 2024
Passing JSON to ProcessBuilder
I am using one JVM to prepare inputs for a simulation in another JVM. The simulation uses a C++ DLL, and when that DLL crashes, it takes the JVM with it. Running it in a separate JVM protects the first JVM from crashing as well. I prepare the simulation inputs as a JSON string in the first JVM and pass it to the second using ProcessBuilder. However, when passing a standard JSON, ProcessBuilder strips away the double quotes, e.g., "count": 5 becomes count: 5, which results in an invalid JSON that cannot be parsed in the main(String[] args) method. The workaround is to use jsonStr.replace("\"", "\\\"")
before passing jsonStr to ProcessBuilder.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
When do you need HIL tests?
- Concept of Operation
- Requirements
- Design
- Ground tests
- Test components
- Test system
- Flight tests
- Deployment
- Maintenance/Updates
- Your system might work in SIL but since certain bugs only manifest themselves on a particular OS - compiler - hardware configuration, you cannot be sure with just SIL tests that your software is bug-free. Note: Instead of bug-free, the term 'tolerable' might be more appropriate because, for complex software, it is statistically improbable to achieve an entirely bug-free state.
- Resource constraints (memory, processing power, network speed, etc.) of real hardware might differ from those in SIL which might cause a working system in SIL to fail in HIL due to missed timings etc.
- Electromagnetic conditions (interference, noise, etc.) might differ from those in SIL. Components that work individually in isolation might cause problems when integrated together.
- Although you can't test as extensively as with SIL, you can still conduct far more tests than with flight tests.